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21 Inspirational Quotes About Homeschool Life

I love inspirational quotes, especially quotes that resonate with me on homeschool lifestyle. And I love creating beautiful quote art as well for different projects. So, I decided to compile a collection of beautiful and inspirational homeschool quotes here on the blog. If you like what you see, follow me on Instagram where I post fresh quote art designs. And check out my Zazzle shop, where all of these designs and more can be used for just about any product you could possibly want... and many of these are featured on my newest homeschool calendar here.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Starting with one of my favorite quotes of all time by Charlotte Mason: "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life". It truly is a total lifestyle change once you get your wheels going.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Learn Something New Every Day. I tell my kids all the time that almost every experience, every conversation we have, is an opportunity to learn something.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls. One of the BEST advantages of homeschooling is doing it OUTSIDE of the home, whether it's a day in the backyard to learn in the fresh air or going to the nature trail for your botany unit study, or touring the museum as often as you want. In fact, what most non-homeschoolers don't realize is that homeschoolers tend to get out and about more than the public schoolers do. They hear the word homeschool and think homeschoolers are locked up in their homes, sheltered from the outside world. Maybe instead of calling it homeschool, we should just call it freedom school. Because we have more freedom to learn what we want, how we want, and WHERE we want. And homeschool kids interact with real people in the real world as often as we want to, and for most of us, that's far more often than kids who sit in the same classrooms day after day.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

All The World Is My School. Just another reminder that homeschool doesn't mean stuck at home. As homeschoolers, you can decided to study the world in person rather than in a book. Most Road Schoolers who live that full time life on the road know exactly what it means to truly have the world as their school.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

I absolutely love this quote. We are all unique individuals with different strengths, different weaknesses and different styles of learning. Homeschooling is a way to break out of the system that wants every child to fit in the same round hole, and go your own direction based on your child's unique and individual needs, identify their strengths, and give them the custom tailored, individualized attention that will help them reach for the stars.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Inside Every Child Is A Rainbow Waiting To Shine. And that rainbow holds all of their unique talents and abilities, waiting to be nurtured and strengthened, so they can bring their highest potential to the world.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

One Who Makes No Mistakes Never Makes Anything. If you don't take risks in life, if you don't at least try to do things you are afraid you can't do, then you fail before launch. Anyone who is successful at anything in life can tell you all the numerous ways they failed before they succeeded. What they all had in common was the willingness to try and the persistence to learn from their mistakes and press forward. What a beautiful reminder to teach our kids to not be afraid of making mistakes, and to not let fear of making mistakes hold them back from discovering their true potential.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Mistakes Are Portals Of Discovery, or like the famous painter Bob Ross once said "happy little accidents". Just as the previous quote is a reminder to let go of fear, to be persistent, to learn from mistakes and to grow through mistakes, this quote is a reminder that some mistakes end of being spontaneous moments of invention. They can take us in a completely different direction we never planned for that ended up being even better. This phenomenon is definitely something I've experienced numerous times in the creative field. Especially in my days as a portrait photographer. Some of my best work ended up being happy little accidents. And it's something I often remind my children about so they learn to recognize the moment it happens.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

One of my all time favorites by Maria Montessori: "Play is the work of the child"

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Play is the highest form of research. Another inspiring quote to remind us to let children lead the way when it comes to learning, and to give them plenty of room to discover through play.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

It takes nothing to join the crowd and everything to stand alone. We homeschoolers certainly wear this with pride as fish who broke away from the school to swim in our own direction.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Once upon a time, all the children were homeschooled. While homeschooling has always represented a tiny percentage of our country, the good news is it's on the rise. And while it's on the rise due to unpleasant circumstances, for many families it was just the kick they needed to try out homeschooling, and for many of them, they have fallen in love with it. We now live in an age where there are more options for homeschoolers than traditional schoolers and I hope one day we will see a time when homeschooling, and all the benefits that come with it, are no longer the minority of children, but the majority.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Education begins at home. It absolutely does! And it never stops!

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your home. There are so many layers of truth to this quote I wouldn't even begin to know where to start. You would see more words on this post than pictures, and let's be honest, this post is all about the pretty quotes and not my thoughts on them. But I can say with absolute certainty that of all the things I've done in life, all the most fulfilling have happened in my home and involve my kids - and homeschooling them is right at the top. I've never been more proud of any decision I have ever made than to devote these years of my life to my children's education. If you are someone who's on the fence about homeschooling, let me tell you, I've never met a homeschooler who has regretted their decision.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Let's raise children who can name more stars in the sky than stars on the screen. And imagine a society filled with people who were those children, oh how different the world would be.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Another popular Charlotte Mason Quote: An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing. Something we need to be reminded of from time to time.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

When One Teaches, Two Learn. Oh the truth of this quote! I am learning so much more as a homeschool mom than I ever did as a traditional schooled child. I'm even relearning math, and actually understanding it this time.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

Another Charlotte Mason quote to live by.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

There is nothing which a mother can not bring her child up to. Charlotte Mason.

© Dawn Earles - Homeschool Life Press

And just for fun, let's embrace the title of "homeschool mama". Because most of us never planned to find our way here, but are grateful we did.


If you enjoyed this post and are inspired by the quotes and the artwork, I do have a shop on Zazzle where you can get all of these designs and more on just about anything you can imagine, from stickers to wall art, to notebooks, erasers, t-shirts, mugs, totes, pillows, phone cases, lunch boxes, cards, binders, folders...... thousands upon thousands of options. Pretty much ANYTHING you would want, Zazzle has it! And you can personalize anything with names or dates or anything you want. If you've never been on Zazzle, you need to check it out. There are always coupons running that you can take advantage of. While you are there be sure to follow my Homeschool Life Press. And give me a follow on Instagram too! If you have any favorite quotes that you would like me to post, leave it here in the comments.

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Homeschool Life Press was created by Dawn Earles as a way to bring beautiful custom-designed Planners and Notebooks to homeschool families.  In addition to Planners you'll find a wide variety of products from Workbooks to Guided Journals, Tshirts and even Personalized School Supplies. 

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